Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Jan Akridge (Schlater)
Barbara Bacott
Larry Bateman
Carol Baum
Brenda Bennett
Diane Bequette
Milton Beys
David Blair
Richard Britt
Stanley Brooks
Linda Browne
Bob Buckingham
Royce Clark
Curt Crawford
Ernestine Danley
Kathy Dietrich (Barnhill)
Donald Duesing
Mary Duncan
Linda Eads (Watkins)
Gary Eck
Robert Elmore
Russell Evans
Brian Fargen
Tanna Farney
Kathy Foland (Whitten)
Glenda Ford
Ray Foster
Doug Frederich
Doug Gill
Sandra Gillison (Clark)
Sharon Gillison
Bill Godina
Linda Good
Charlene Goodwin
James Gray
Bill Greer
Sheila Hand
Leola Harris
Curtiss Henderson
Mike Hendrickson
Dwane Hopewell
Betty Jameson
Barb Jones
Debbie Joslin
Tom Kalinowski
Joyce Lands
Helen Lee
Jim Locke
Mike Luetkmeyer
Joy Marty
Freda Maston
Estella McClain
Maude McClain
Rita McClelland
Janet McFadden
John McFadden
Mary McMillan
Paul Meyer
Sue Miller (Haines)
Sharon Mitchell (Morse)
Terry Mitchell
Rebecca Moore
Sandra Moore
Aaron Mosley
Gary Moss
Donna Mulherin (Murden)
Joan Newsome
Roxanne O'Guinn
Carrie Perry
Roxanne Reagen
Regina Relford
Peggy Richmond
Don Robinson
Diane Rogers
Lonnie Scott
Debbie Smith
Jim Staley
Tom Stephens
Cheryl Stewart (Bremer)
Martha Sutherlin
Kenneth Sydenstricker
Joseph Sydow
Jo Ellyn Thomas
Carol Thurston
John Thurston
Kevin Tiepleman
Mark Twigg
Linda Vahey
Gary Wall
David Warner
Stanley Wiley
Lauren Williams (Lesko)
Sharon Williams
Pam Wilson